
“By far the most effective way to turn out voters is with high-quality, face-to-face conversations that urge them to vote. How do we know? Nearly two decades of rigorous randomized experiments have proven it.”

( November 2014. Experiments show this is the best way to win campaigns. But is anyone actually doing it?)

Paid Canvassing versus Traditional Field Organizing

Regardless of the size of the campaign or the time during the cycle, RMVO works to deliver results for your program. Our well-trained canvassers and outreach staff can deliver the campaign message with professional appeal to a wider audience than an all-volunteer operation. RMVO can supplement the already robust field presence of paid staff and volunteer canvassers to ensure that Democrats in all targeted areas understand the importance of participating in the process while spending the time and energy necessary to convince their family and friends to do the same.

Complementing your campaign’s existing infrastructure with a paid canvassing operation will allow you to go above and beyond, making great strides to win on Election Day.

Voter List Building and Management: Voter lists can be used to understand the political spread of a specific demographic or as a means of creating a base of supporters and future volunteers.

Message Development: By combining RMVO’s experience and in- depth knowledge of the current political and socio-economic climate, we will develop a message portfolio specifically designed to reach individual demographics.

Door-to-Door Voter ID and Persuasion | Educational Outreach: Door-to-door canvassing is the tried and true grassroots approach. These personal conversations with the public reveal the public’s opinion of your campaign, and more importantly, gives the campaign the opportunity to persuade undecided voters. Typical stages of door-to-door canvassing include advanced consultation, name recognition and field survey identification/persuasion, and Get Out The Vote (GOTV).

Petition Gathering: RMVO brings years of experience gathering petitions and canvassing for a variety of different progressive organizations and environmental groups. RMVO holds signature gatherers to high standards in terms of appearance, attitude, and the way they represent the campaign in the field.

Voter Registration Drives: Registering new voters in large numbers has become a critical component of successful campaign field work. Voter registration drives not only help increase voter turnout in elections, but also open doors to finding volunteers and helping GOTV efforts later in election cycles.

Legislative Field Work | Grasstops and Targeted Outreach: For the same reasons that your clients hire professional lobbyists to convey the proper message to the most influential legislators, RMVO can be the group that reaches out to the constituents of key legislators to activate what is arguably the most powerful political weapon in any arsenal: the voice of the voting public.